Mozilla Firefox 7.0 Beta 5

firefox 7.0 beta 5这一不小心,Firefox 7.0 beta 5 的版本就诞生了,生产得真TMD快啊,有点受不鸟~~~能不能别这么快的,我这等老人都跟不上Firefox您老的节奏了~


目前已进入测试版(beta)的Firefox 7比Firefox 4至6版执行效率更高,占用的存储少一半,而且可以协助网页开发人员创造更快更优良的网页或网站应用服务。Firefox 7新增MemShrink技术,可以更有效率的管理存储,官方宣称可以降低20-50%的存储用量,这样同时可以减少使用存储分页,进而降低软件卡死的频率。其中一个关键是强化JavaScript的管理,让浏览器同时及长期开启多个分页的时候,可以适时推出存储。

The latest version of Firefox Beta has the following changes:

Drastically improved memory use
Added a new rendering backend to speed up Canvas operations on Windows systems
Bookmark and password changes now sync almost instantly when using Firefox Sync
Added support for text-overflow: ellipsis
Added support for the Web Timing specification
Added an opt-in system for users to send performance data back to Mozilla to improve future versions of Firefox. This can be enabled by installing an add-on
Fixed several stability issues
Please see the complete list of changes in this version. You may also be interested in the list of changes in the previous version.

下载:Mozilla Firefox 7.0 Beta 5

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  1. 如果真是占用内存少就好了

    1. 最近一直在更新beta版本号,我懒得去更新了

  2. FF更新太快了吧,我还用的4。。。

    1. 特别的变态快~~~


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